
A man and woman shaking hands across a desk in an office setting, the woman holding papers and smiling.

What is it?

PurposefulPaths™ is a division of The HumanVantage® Consulting Group that focuses specifically on academic, career, and job transition coaching and support. It represents our coaching and career/life-planning group. We offer various individual assessments, resources, and overall coaching support to individuals facing change or decisions related to either academic pursuits or job/career transition.

We offer career planning workshops for individuals of all ages (as young as age 12) interested in learning more about their values, motivational skills, and work style preferences to help them understand the best possible environment and job function for them. 

We also offer group workshops and training seminars for those organizations interested in providing their employees with resources or support in these areas. Company outplacement and employee transition services are also available.


Who Can Benefit? 

  • Are you a student who is struggling with declaring a major or concentration?
  • Are you graduating from college and not sure how to focus your job search?
  • Are you bored or unchallenged in your job and not sure why?
  • In this new economy, do you find yourself having to go back to work after years out of the workforce?
  • Are you nervous about your interview and want some help to better prepare?
  • Are you an HR leader who needs to lay off workers and wants to provide quality outplacement support to affected employees?

Whatever your stage in your life journey, the PurposefulPaths™ team can help. We have worked with students, individuals re-entering the workforce, as well as couples preparing for their meaningful retirement years.

A woman with long hair sits at a table, listening attentively during a meeting. She wears a blue top and has a serious expression. A man is partially visible in the foreground.
A group of people working together at a table with computers and papers in a modern office setting. A man in a green sweater is pointing at a computer screen, engaging with colleagues.

We Assist the Following Groups

  • High School Students (Preparing for College or Vocation)
  • College (Preparing for Job/Career Entry after College)
  • In Transition/Discovery (Midlife, Job/Career Changes, Values Shifts)
  • Workforce Re-Entry
  • Laid Off/Out-placed Employees
  • Retirement & Leisure Pursuits

Our Services

  • Customized Career Planning Workshops
  • Administration & Interpretation of Career Assessments
  • Resume Review & Development
  • Interview Skills Training & Preparation
  • New Job Assimilation Strategies
A person is sitting outdoors at a table, smiling and typing on a laptop. They are wearing a denim shirt over a white t-shirt.