Specializing in Human Resources Consulting, Strategic Planning, Organization Development and Leadership Coaching

The ‘Soft’ stuff is the ‘Hard’ Stuff! Sound Familiar?
After many years working in HR, I will never forget that one bright engineer who walked into my office one day for some coaching. He had that look of pure frustration and defeat in his eyes, and was mentally exhausted. Without a doubt, he was an extremely talented and very experienced professional; he knew our company processes and chemistry down to the core elements. He could fix just about any technical issue or production problem that came his way—but when it came to people —he said he faced the most complex equation yet, saying "There are just too many uncontrollable variables. “
In the world of human capital —where behaviors and actions may not be readily understood or easily changed — you face a wide array of daily opportunities, whether it is the one employee or leader who requires more focused development or that one department or team who always seems to have conflict or the broader organization that is facing more complex and strategic planning, process or engagement issues. Sometimes, you need an extra hand or real solutions.
We are glad you are here. We look forward to partnering with you and helping you achieve your goals.
Melissa L. Hart
Founder & CEO
The HumanVantage® Consulting Group
A Division of The Hart Solution, LLC